The truth of the matter is that I’ve been avoiding you. I started this for me to give to you to. Ok, really to help me, so it’s full circle. And then I put it off for so long, and I let the fear crawl in and stop me from continuing the Finds on It’s been a few week. I apologize.
And then the world literally changed before our eyes.
I’m worried on a daily basis, for the folks that are ill, for work and what we thought to be true. But we do have an opportunity, in midst of it all: for new lives, new work and new truths and stories in our lives.
I’ve spent the last weeks listening to countless podcasts , zoning out on Netflix Tiger King, doing the basics, thanking the universe this time we still have some work to keep my family in a safe space, knock on wood; we’ve been through it all Tech Bust in 2000, 2001 :(, 2008,9,10. - that one seemed to last forever and was very very tough). And the fact is we made it out.
Somewhere along the way I got a little lost. And finding 1in400trillion is giving me a little light.
This was a start to build for the purpose of helping us all and yet I still found very excuse in the book to just pause and stop.
So today I listened to a few things, Marianne Williamson reading the first days of A Course in Miracles; I’m still trying to wrap my head around this one but I’m sure this will fall into future dates when the words ring thru for me.
That is what 1 in 400trillion is about, I had read about Mel Robbins for years, bought the book didn’t read it but then one day fell upon her youtube video and I felt an awakening. These small awakenings are what help me.
But I stumbled and stopped 1 in 400 Trillion just after a week; coming up with the excuse of time.
Then March 2020 happened, and life has taken us all in a very different direction. I empathize with those that have loss.
Today I received an email from a someone I signed up Amy Porterfield, I don’t even remember when I signed up for her newsletter.
That is the beauty of the web and social, if used wisely - we meet people that may provide us words and knowledge at the right time at the right place in the universe. This is the genesis of 1 in 400 Trillion. I don’t know if I would have ever personally met Amy or Jennifer - our worlds are, worlds apart - but their words seeped through.
Serendipitously, this message reached me during a week that I struggled to find Courage ...#308: Courage: Your Gateway Drug To Confidence with Jennifer Allwood. It’s a marketing blog, but heck, it spoke to me, they were speaking about Confidence. Which is my Achilles heel. Jennifer Allwood had a difference perspective.
I struggle on then daily trying to have confidence and resigned to the fact that I was not naturally born with it. But courage ... I can feel touch and sense that I can summon up courage ... just taking a few seconds can dramatically change your life. I already feel a weight falling as I write these words for today just a moment of sense of calm and proof that I found some courage, pushing the button LIVE:
I’ll take it. And I hope you do too.
“I think that so many women feel like one day they’re gonna wake up and magically they’re just going to feel confident . . . but we really need to have the goal be courage.””
Listen to the Podcast: #308: Courage: Your Gateway Drug To Confidence with Jennifer Allwood
Today I listened to Marianne Williamson, then a newsletter via Amy Porterfield’s came thru where I found Michelle Allwood words on Courage and Fear. Check her out.
Website: Michelle Allwood
Website: Amy Porterfield
Website: Course in Miracles - started this … here and there! But sharing link if of interest!
PS As you see the first days I tried go by day by day. That was a lot of work and overwhelming. So instead i’ll be numbering these small serendipitous moments of awakening from# 1 to 400 Trillion. So today we start at #1,111,111,011
PS2 Excuse any typos. i’m writing and sometimes editing:) In an effort of stopping my crazy habit about waiting till something is perfect, thus a terrible state of procrastination, instead i’m just going to deliver this to the universe as is & worry about a grammatical error here or there later. That’s all for now:)