I Am One in 4,000,000,000,000


Some of us hold back on our achievements. We are afraid to be seen.

I was living in shadows and comfort of the known, afraid to break out and see what I could truly become. From failures, to successes to failure to back en route to success to self-sabatoge to comfort in failure, I said “Enough.”

And then I was reminded. I had seen or read about this concept 1,000s of times, but this one day it struck: YOU are 1 in 4,000,000,000. It wasn’t till almost a few decades of my life that it finally hit me. Now I write and share on a sometimes daily, yearly basis the thoughts, knowledge drops, and learnings that slowly helped me crawl out or help remind me to keep waking up every day to lead an intentional life. Fighting every day to write. [Addundum, 2025 years after starting this page - hoping to restart, EVERYDAY because we can.

I hope this helps you too. Let me know. Share what resonates and rings true to you. Hope you stay and wander and share too:) To beginning every day. To our truly becoming 1 in 4,000,000,000.


Words and Finds


Learn more about who, why, how 1 in 400 Trillion came to be and is about.